Monday, August 28, 2006

Camping: Kananaskis

This was Carrie's and my trip to Kananaskis Country. We stayed at the Mount Sarrail campsite. It wasn't too busy, although we did have some French-Canadian entertainers next to us keeping us grooving. This is the view from our campsite. I don't know if you could ask for more than that!

Carrie and I at Upper Kananaskis Lake. I did some fishing, but no luck.

That's Lower Kananaskis Lake behind us.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Drive Home From Nordegg

What a beautiful drive home! We went through the Icefields Parkway and through Lake Louise. It was an amazing scene on a gorgeous day. Great picture-taking Carrie.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Camping: Nordegg, Alberta

What a great weekend! It was a bit of a drive, but well worth it! It great to see Nicole and Ryan come down from Edmonton for the weekend. Ryan taught me a few lessons about fishing, but I was still unsuccessful! Ryan on the otherhand couldn't keep the fish off his hook!

We discovered that axe throwing contests, while fun and great competition, are detrimental to trees and axes. I am proud to say I got it to stick though! Good times! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Louie stayed with us for the weekend. What a cool cat! Sheila and Fred let us take care of him while they were away and we fell in love.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Castlegar: Family Reunion 2006

Carrie and Kelsey.
Mark, Shiloh, and Ken
Kelsey, Carrie and Uncle Joe Jr.
Liz, Darren and Izzy.
Scottie and Gwen. Gwen knows Kyah, my first year roommate. What a coinkydink.
Party time in Castlegar!
The Aunties. Auntie Betty came out from England. It was so good to see her!

This year's family reunion was a great one! Carrie won the bocci ball tournament with her team and my golf team came second. It was my best placing ever! Thanks to Ken and Cherri for making us so comfortable at your place. It was great to see everyone again and we will see you next year!