Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What's Up?

Well, no one ever said that I was a man of my word, and I would hate for them to start, so even though I said I would post a lot more, I haven't. It is not without good reason however. I have been up to a lot in recent weeks.

After much thought and deliberation Carrie and I bought a house! Actually that is not entirely true. There was very little thought and only a morsel of deliberation, but it was a good decision none the less. We just happen to find the perfect place quickly. We bought a townhouse and will move in at the end of November. I can hear you now... "married, bought a house, so when are the kids coming Joe?" Well, the answer to that question is not for a while, and by while, I mean 9 months. Just kidding, I am especially sorry to our parents who probably just got a little excited. No, we have things to do, man, big things!

I also recently started a new job working as a (insert explanation here that you don't really care about and would skip over anyways). It is a good job and there is plenty to do, so I am fitting in and have my own office. I am on the 20th floor and look out to the Calgary tower and the Saddledome.

Life is good. More pictures will be up soon. Check back. The wine fest was a little crazy, so I will only post pictures that were pre-9:30pm. It got a little ugly after that and I should make a general apology to anyone that was near the Roundup Centre or on 17th Avenue last Saturday evening. My words and actions were not my own. They were the words of "Wine Festival Joe" who is maladjusted to society and does not have a complete grasp of personal space or cordial speech.


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